Administration : Departments and Directorates : Directorates General : D.G. for International & Public Relations

Directorate for International Affairs

Head of Directorate: Paraskevi Karastergiou

tel.: (+30) 210 373 3868, -3617 fax: (+30) 210 373 3616, -3626


The Directorate for International Affairs is responsible for a) developing co-operation between the Hellenic Parliament and international Parliamentary organisations as well as Parliaments of non-E.U. countries, b) fostering the study, documentation and monitoring of issues involving international parliamentary co-operation, c) developing and promoting the relations of the Hellenic Parliament and the Hellenes Abroad.


The Directorate of International Affairs consists of the following Departments:


Α) 1st Department for International Organizations

Head: Eleni Konstantinidou

tel.: (+30) 210 373 3491 -3869

fax: (+30) 210 373 3424


The Department is responsible for monitoring the work and activities of the Parliamentary Assemblies of NATO, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and other similar assemblies or organizations as well as informing them about Greece’s positions on international issues.

The Department:

  • provides administrative and overall support to parliamentary delegations participating in the aforementioned Assemblies.
  • studies and documents international issues, in cooperation with the competent Ministries, assisting the work of MP’s who participate in the aforementioned Assemblies or Organizations
  • monitors, processes and classifies reports and resolutions adopted by the aforementioned Parliamentary Assemblies and submits them to the competent Ministries.
  • collects information material for MPs and keeps relevant records.
  • organizes conferences, meetings and visits in Greece at the level of Presidents, Committees or Plenaries in the framework of the abovementioned assemblies.
  • collects and classifies reports drawn up by MP’s or staff members and which are then submitted to the General Secretary of the Hellenic Parliament.
  • provides updates on the international activities of the Greek delegations in these assemblies through the website of the Hellenic Parliament.


Β) 2nd Department for International Organizations

Head: Ekaterini Kartsakli

tel.: (+30) 210 373 3620,

fax : (+30) 210 373 3616


The 2nd Department is responsible for monitoring the work and activities of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) as well as for informing them about Greece’s positions on international issues. Furthermore, it monitors the parliamentary activities within the framework of the United Nations.

The Department:

  • provides administrative and overall support to parliamentary delegations participating in the aforementioned Assemblies.
  • studies and documents international issues, in cooperation with the competent Ministries, assisting the work of MP’s who participate in the aforementioned Assemblies or Organizations
  • monitors, processes and classifies reports and resolutions adopted by the aforementioned Parliamentary Assemblies and submits them to the competent Ministries.
  • collects information material for MPs and keeps relevant records.
  • organizes conferences, meetings and visits in Greece at the level of Presidents, Committees or Plenaries in the framework of the abovementioned assemblies.
  • collects and classifies reports drawn up by MP’s or staff members and which are then submitted to the General Secretary of the Hellenic Parliament.
  • provides updates on the international activities of the Greek delegations in these assemblies through the website of the Hellenic Parliament.


C) Department of International Relations and Hellenes Abroad (Hellenic Diaspora)

Head: Angeliki Matzavinou

tel.: (+30)_ 210 373 3860,  3489

fax: (+30) 210 373 3616, 3626


The Department is responsible for the development and coordination of the bilateral relations between Greece and the Parliaments abroad-outside the E.E., Middle East and North Africa-as well as monitoring the work and activities of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy (IAO), the World Hellenic Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (WHIA) and the Special Permanent Committee on Greeks Abroad of the Hellenic Parliament.

The Department:

  • provides administrative and overall support for parliamentary delegations participating in the aforementioned Assemblies and Organizations as well as support services to MP’s during their meetings on a bilateral basis, regarding countries within the competence of the Directorate for International Affairs.
  • studies and documents international issues or issues concerning Hellenic Diaspora, in cooperation with the competent Ministries assisting MP’s participating in relevant parliamentary delegations.
  • monitors, processes and classifies reports and resolutions adopted by the aforementioned Parliamentary Assemblies and submits them to the competent Ministries.
  • collects information material for MP’s and keeps record of past parliamentary missions.
  • organizes conferences and official visits taking place in Greece within the competence of the Department.
  • drafts and classifies reports drawn up by staff members which are then submitted to the General Secretary of the Hellenic Parliament.
  • Prepares the official programme of the President of the Parliament or members of the Bureau of the Parliament to countries that fall within the competence of the Directorate for International Affairs.
  • provides updates on the activities within the competence of the Department, through the website of the Hellenic Parliament.
  • provides regular updates on the internet site “Global Hellenism News”, through the website of the Hellenic Parliament.
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