Int'l Relations : Int'l Parliamentary Diplomacy & Activities

International Organisations

Inter – Parliamentary Union (IPU)

The Inter-parliamentary Union is the global organisation of national parliaments. Two parliamentarians and peace-advocates, William Randal Cremer from the UK and Frederic Passy from France, took the initiative to establish IPU in 1889. It consists of 179 member-states plus 12 associate members (with no voting rights). The IPU headquarters are in Geneva and the official working languages are English and French.

The IPU aims to promote parliamentary dialogue, defend peace and Human Rights, foster co-operation among peoples and consolidate representative institutions. Moreover, it examines issues of international significance and supports UN efforts, having a close working relationship with this organisation. The Union’s contribution was instrumental in establishing the International Tribunal in the Hague. The Hellenic Parliament has been an IPU member since 1890 and takes part in its proceedings with a five member interparty delegation.

The IPU Assembly is held twice a year, in October of each year usually at the headquarters of the Union in Geneva, and in March in a different country. The Assembly is assisted by the work of four (4) Standing Committees: 1st Standing Committee on Peace and National Security, 2nd Standing Committee on Sustainable Development, Finance and Trade, 3rd Standing Committee on Democracy and Human Rights, 4th Standing Committee on United Nations Affairs.

Sessions of the Association of Secretaries General of Parliaments (ASGP), with the participation of the General Secretary of the Hellenic Parliament, as well as conferences of geopolitical groups take place alongside IPU’s General Assembly meetings. Greece belongs to the European group 12+.

Σύνδεσμος προς τη σχετική ιστοσελίδα

Greek Delegation

Found 7 results | Page 1 / 1
Full Name PositionParticipation in Committees
Avramopoulos Dimitrios Head
Aygerinopoulou Dionysia Member
Dermentzopoulos Chrhstos Member
Kalafatis Stavros Member
Kedikoglou Symeon Member
Doudonhs Panagiotis Member
Fotopoulos Stylianos Member

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