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Ratification of the Final Agreement for the Settling of Disputes described in the Decisions of the... Int’l Convention 19/01/2019 25/01/2019 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Completion
ΦΕΚ: 9 Α'/25.01.2019
Ratification of the Agreement of 11.12.2018 on the Amendment of Provisions of the Concession... Law 17/12/2018 20/12/2018 Completion
ΦΕΚ: 217 Α'/24.12.2018
Urgent regulations of the Ministry of Environment and Energy – Ratification of the Concession... Law 14/12/2018 19/12/2018 Ministry of Enviroment and Energy Completion
ΦΕΚ: 216 A'/24.12.2018
Urgent regulations of the competence of Ministry for Migration Policy. Law 12/12/2018 20/12/2018 Completion
ΦΕΚ: 218 Α'/24.12.2018
Incorporation to the Hellenic legislation of Directive (EU) 2016/97 of the European Parliament and... Law 04/12/2018 11/12/2018 Μinistry of Labour, Social Security and (Social) Solidarity Completion
ΦΕΚ: 212 Α'/18.12.2018
Thematic Tourism - Special forms of tourism – Regulations for the modernization of the... Law 23/11/2018 06/12/2018 Ministry of Tourism Completion
ΦΕΚ: 208 A'/11.12.2018
Ratification of the State Budget of fiscal year 2019. Law 21/11/2018 18/12/2018 Ministry of Finance Completion
ΦΕΚ: 213 Α' / 19.12.2018
Obligations of air carriers in relation to passengers’ records – adjustment of the Hellenic... Law 15/11/2018 28/11/2018 Ministry of Citizen Protection Completion
ΦΕΚ: 201 Α'/03.12.2018
Reduction in social security contributions and other provisions. Law 12/11/2018 22/11/2018 Μinistry of Labour, Social Security and (Social) Solidarity Completion
ΦΕΚ: 200 Α'/03.12.2018
Incorporation to the Hellenic legislation of Directive 2016/1148/EU of the European Parliament and... Law 12/11/2018 21/11/2018 Completion
ΦΕΚ: 199 Α'/03.12.2018
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