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Ratification of the Agreement between the Hellenic Republic and the European Bank of... Int’l Convention 15/06/2015 Completion
Regulation of gaming market Bill 17/03/2011 Ministry of Finance Completion
Measures to reduce the cost of deploying high-speed electronic communications networks -... Law 16/03/2017 Completion
ΦΕΚ: 42 A'/30.03.2017
Immediate measures for the protection of the unemployed, the self-employed and the medium-size... Law Proposal 26/10/2010 Ministry of Labour and Social Security Completion
Restructuring of Ministries and Public Law Legal Persons Bill 19/03/2012 Ministry of Administrative Reform and E-Governance Completion
Combating expressions of racism and xenophobia Bill 05/12/2011 Ministry of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights Completion
Amendments of the institutional framework of adoption Law Proposal 27/10/2010 Ministry of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights Completion
Code of Narcotic Drugs Bill 09/01/2012 Ministry of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights Completion
Measures for the application of the support mechanism for the Greek economy by euro area Member... Law 04/05/2010 06/05/2010 Ministry of Finance Completion
ΦΕΚ: 65Α'/6.5.2010
Ratification of the Memorandum of Understanding / MOU between the Ministry of National Defense of... Int’l Convention 22/07/2010 20/10/2010 Ministry of National Defence Completion
ΦΕΚ: 187 A'/04.11.2011
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