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National School of Magistrates and other provisions Law 13/12/2010 01/02/2011 Ministry of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights Completion
ΦΕΚ: 11 Α'/08.02.2011
Certification of train drivers and other provisions Law 25/11/2010 01/02/2011 Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks Completion
ΦΕΚ: 12 Α'/08.02.2011
Reorganization of the Civil Aviation Authority and other provisions Law 10/01/2011 08/02/2011 Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks Completion
ΦΕΚ: 18 Α'/17.2.2011
Εstablishment of the "Hellenic Fund for Entrepreneurship and Development" Law 22/12/2010 08/02/2011 Οικονομίας, Ανταγωνιστικότητας και Ναυτιλίας Completion
ΦΕΚ: 17 Α'/17.2.2011
Ratification of the Memorandum of Understanding (M.O.U.) between the Ministry of Culture of the... Int’l Convention 10/01/2011 09/02/2011 Ministry of Culture and Tourism Completion
ΦΕΚ: 19 Α'/17.02.2011
Ratification of the Agreement between the Federal Council of the Swiss Confederation and the... Int’l Convention 10/01/2011 09/02/2011 Ministry of Culture and Tourism Completion
ΦΕΚ: 20 Α'/17.2.2011
Retention of data generated or processed in connection with the provision of publicly available... Law 11/01/2011 10/02/2011 22/07/2010 Ministry of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights Completion
ΦΕΚ: 22 A'/21.02.2011
Structural reforms on the Health Care System and other provisions Law 20/01/2011 15/02/2011 Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity Completion
ΦΕΚ: 31 A'/02.03.2011
Principle of professional freedom. Elimination of unjustified restrictions to the access and... Law 27/01/2011 22/02/2011 Ministry of Finance Completion
ΦΕΚ: 32 A'/02.03.2011
Ratification of the Agreement on Cooperation between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the... Int’l Convention 27/01/2011 22/02/2011 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Completion
ΦΕΚ: 34 A'/04.03.2011
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